Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Policy Essay

1. Purpose To inform all employees of Aprils Daycare of the requirement to report suspected child abuse (including sexual abuse) or neglect and to inform employees of their immunity from civil liability or criminal penalty for reporting. To establish procedures to be used by all employees of the daycare in making oral and written reports to the appropriate authorities of suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. To protect children from abuse and neglect. 2. Definitions Under this Policy, the abuse and neglect of a child (i.e., any individual under the age of eighteen (18) years) is defined as follows: Physical injury not necessarily visible of a child under circumstances that indicate that a child’s health or welfare is harmed or at substantial risk of being harmed; The observable, identifiable, and substantial impairment of a child’s mental or psychological ability to function; The failure to provide proper care and attention to a child, including leaving a child unattended, under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or placed at substantial risk of harm; or Any act that involves sexual molestation or exploitation of a child (i.e., any sexual contact or conduct with a child) regardless of whether the child has physical injuries. 3. Who Must Report Any employee of the daycare who has reason to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse (including sexual abuse) or neglect (the â€Å"Reporter†) by any parent, guardian, adoptive parent or other person who has permanent or temporary care or custody or responsibility for the supervision of such child (including, without limitation, daycare employees), or any household or family member of such child, shall make a report as directed below. An employee must act on the basis of any information and belief. The law gives the Reporter very little latitude. 1. The Reporter must immediately notify and give all information required below to the head of the daycare (the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Head†) or, if the head of the daycare is unavailable, his or her designee (the â€Å"Designee†). [NOTE: The Daycare could choose to have more than one designee.] a. If the Head and the Designee are not immediately available but will be available later during that same daycare day, the Reporte r shall wait to make the report required above to the Head or the Designee as soon as they are available. b. If neither the Head nor the Designee will be available later during that same school day, the Reporter shall follow the directions in Step 2.a. below. 2. After notifying the Head or Designee, the Reporter, along with the Head or the Designee, must make an oral report (by telephone or direct communication) as soon as possible to the local Department of Social Services or the local law enforcement agency. Contact information is as follows: CFSD 1 (866) 820-5437. a. If neither the Head nor the Designee will be available during that same school day, the Reporter shall make the oral report as soon as possible without waiting to notify the Head or the Designee. 3. The Reporter must also make a written report to the local Department of Social Services not later than forty-eight (48) hours after the contact, examination, attention, or treatment that caused the Reporter to believe that the child had been subjected to abuse (including sexual abuse) or neglect. The reporter should also send a copy of the written report to the local Licensing Agency. Contact information is as follows: (406)655-7633. o The written report must be signed either (i) by the Reporter or (ii) by the Reporter and the Head or Designee. If the Reporter signs the written report without the accompanying signature of the Head or Designee, the Head or Designee must first review the report unless neither is available to do so within the requisite forty-eight (48) hours. 4. Contents of Written Report As far as is reasonably possible, an oral or written report made under this Policy shall include the following information: the name, age, and home address of the child; the name and home address of the child’s parent or other person responsible  for the child’s care; the whereabouts of the child; the nature and extent of the abuse or neglect of the child, including any evidence or information available to the Reporter concerning possible previous instances of abuse or neglect; and any other information that would help to determine (i) the cause of the suspected abuse or neglect; and (ii) the identity of any individual responsible for the abuse or neglect. 5. Immunity Any person who in good faith makes or participates in making a report of abuse or neglect or participates in an investigation or a resulting judicial proceeding is immune by state law from any civil liability or criminal penalty that would otherwise result from making or participating in a report of abuse or neglect or participating in an investigation or a resulting judicial proceeding.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia

Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Gen Y Consumers in Malaysia Introduction Market segmentation is a crucial element in marketing because goods can no longer be produced and sold without considering consumer needs and recognizing the characteristic of those needs. Due to the highly competitive environment nowadays, attracting and retaining enough loyal customers plays an important key role when developing business strategies.Therefore, business should understand and target consumer from different background and culture differently in order to effectively adapt their marketing strategies (Yeong & Lovett, 2010). In general, there are many demographic variables can be used to segment consumer market, for instance income, age, gender, ethnicity, marital status and household size. Among these variables, gender has been and continues to be one of the most popular forms of market segmentation for a significant proportion of product and services.According to marketing scholars (Meyers-Levy & Sternthal, 1991; Darley & Smith, 1995) argue that gender-based segmentation, especially if it is based on biological sex per se, meets several of the requirements for successful implementation: the segments were easy to identify, easy to access, and large enough for consumer products and services to be marketed profitably. In addition, there are many studies in the past also provided considerable evidence that gender relates to consumers’ perceptions, attitudes, preferences and purchase decisions(Mitchell & Walsh, 2004; Bakewell & Mitchell, 2006).Because gender has been identified as one of the significant factor in understanding consumer behavior and as a fundamental market segmentation index for companies to satisfy their customer’ demand, therefore marketer should endeavor to understand the gender differences in decision-making styles. In addition, research addressing the issue of gender differences in decision-making styles could help marketers to find better ways of communicating with both sexes and to guide marketing mix decisions (Mitchell & Walsh, 2004).Literature Review According to Williams, Page, Petrosky and Hernandez (2010), Generation Y also is referred to as the Millenials or Echo Boomers. They were born during 1977-1994 and are in the 15-32 age range as of 2009. They are children of the original Baby Boomers and their numbers rival that of the Baby Boomers. They grew up in a time of immense and fast-paced change including virtually full-employment opportunities for women, dual-income households as the standard, and having computers at college and home.Moreover Gen Y consumers are more likely to complete their tasks online in just one click in making their decisions (Sengupta & Titus, 2012). Starting in 2000, when the Millennials began attending college, they began to be studied by researchers and marketers to determine the generation’s overriding characteristics. Consumer decision? making styles can be defined â€Å"as me ntal orientations characterizing a consumer’s approach to making choices† (Sproles & Kendall, 1986, p. 268).The aim of Sproles and Kendall (1986) was to provide a potentially useful instrument to assist marketers to better understand consumers’ decision-making styles in purchasing. As consequence, they developed the original 40? item Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) scale, which identified eight characteristics related to consumer decision? making styles. The CSI provides a quantitative instrument for classifying different consumer decision? making styles into distinct categories of shopping orientation.Through empirical research, Sproles and Kendall (1986) defined the following eight categories of decision -making styles namely: 1) perfectionism and high-quality conscious: Consumers carefully search for the best quality in product; 2) brand conscious and price equals quality: Consumer choose to buy more expensive, well known national brands, and believing that a h igher price means better quality; 3) novelty and fashion-conscious: likes new and innovative products and gains excitement from seeking out new things; 4) recreational and hedonistic: finds shopping a pleasant activity and shop just for the fun of it; 5) price conscious and value for money: consumer which has high consciousness of sale price and likely to be comparison shoppers; 6) impulsive and careless: Consumer who do not plan their shopping and appear unconcerned about how much he or she spends; 7) confused by overchoice: These consumer are experiences information overload in the market due to perceiving too many brands and stores and have difficulties making choices and 8) habitual and brand-loyal: These consumers select favorite brands and stores repeatedly overtime. Hiu, Siu, Wang and Chang (2001) revealed three prominent market segments through their study namely: 1. )Trendy, perfectionistic consumers: who frequent shopping and take it as an enjoyment. They are interested in high quality and fashionable items, read fashion magazines, watch various advertisements to gain trendy fashion information and tend to supportive with foreign brand which is high quality and fashionable styling. 2. ) Tradisional, pragmatic consumer: who do not view shopping as a enjoyment activity to them. They are price conscious, not interested in fashion styling and most probably choosing local brands. 3. Confused by overchoice: these consumers tend not to read magazines or advertisement on fashion, avoid exposure to too much information, and only purchase local brands which they are familiar. According to Bakewell and Mitchell (2003), five meaningful and distinct decision-making groups were found in the study of decision-making styles of adult female Generation Y consumers in the UK: â€Å"recreational quality seekers†, â€Å"recreational discount seekers†, â€Å"trend setting loyals†, â€Å"shopping and fashion uninterested† and â€Å"confused tim e/money conserving†. In their later study on decision making styles of male consumers in the UK (Bakewell & Mitchell, 2004), all of the original eight traits plus four new traits namely; store-loyal/low-price seeking, time-energy conserving, confused time restricted and store-promiscuity were identified.From their study it shows that the potential of the CSI for segmenting market as meaningful and different groups of male consumers with different decision making styles. Despite of previous studies which reported gender differences in decision-making styles of consumer, Mitchell and Walsh (2004) compared the decision-making styles of male and female shoppers in Germany. From the research, they managed to verify the construct validity of all eight CSI factors for female shopper and four of the factors for male shoppers. In consequence, they also concluded that male consumers were slightly less likely to be perfectionists, somewhat less novelty and fashion conscious, and less lik ely to be confused when making purchases compared to female consumers.Years after that, Bakewell and Mitchell (2006) undertook a similar study in the UK by using a sample of 480 male and female undergraduate students, they found that nine decision-making style were common to both genders. Through the study they had discovered three traits for male (store-loyal/low-price seeking, confused time-restricted and store-promiscuity) and three new traits for female traits (bargain seeking, imperfectionism and store loyal). There are few studies recently which had attempted to thoroughly explore the antecedent and consequences of consumer decision-making styles. Ghodeswar (2007) found that that seven out of eight dimensions of consumer decision-making style proposed by Sproles and Kendall (1986) in his study of consumer decision-making styles among Indian students.The only style which was not confirmed in his data is â€Å"price consciousness/ value for money consumer†. Gupta, Brantle y & Jackson (2010) found that consumers Generation Y at Midwestern University tend to be brands store loyal when they are buying high involvement product. Kambiz & Fereshteh (2011) found that husband and wife have divergent decision-making styles and their family structure as a social-structural variable can be influenced by the decision-making styles of family members which is related to their purchasing behavior. Lastly, it is believed that male and female consumer in Malaysia may also have certain distinctive characteristic in decision-making during shopping and purchasing.But those characteristic could be have equal interest to both researchers and marketing practitioners. Hence, this paper will fill the gap by focusing on the differences in decision-making styles on gender in the Malaysia context. Methodology According to the past study, most of the researchers prepared a structured questionnaire based on literature review and objectives of the study. Consumers decision-making were measured using the 40-items of Consumer Style Inventory (CSI), developed by Sproles and Kendall (1986). All scales were measured on a 5-point Likert-type scales ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The reliabilities of the CSI scale, according to Sproles and Kendall (1986), ranged from 0. 48 to 0. 76.The scales items were translated into Malay language with minor changes in wording to clarify the meaning. In addition, some demographic questions were included in the questionnaire. And most of the questionnaire was self-administered to non-probability sample of male and female undergraduate students in Malaysia. Finding and Analysis Common Factors for both Male and Female According to the research study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009) in Malaysia, the decision-making of Malaysian young consumer for both gender have similarities namely: 1. ) Quality consciously: meaning that they prefer to buy more durable and quality product. 2. ) Brand consciously: it shows tha t they set high standards and have high expectations for the products they buy.Moreover they choose to buy the product which is heavily advertised and well-know national brands. 3. ) Fashion consciousness: this shows that both genders are seem to gain pleasure from seeking out new things and keep up-to date with fashionable attractive styles. 4. ) Confused by overchoice: This factor shows that they feel over-loaded with the information on various brands products and find it very hard to choose the best product during shopping. 5. ) Satisfying and value seeking: concluded that if both items were identical in both sample, they will carefully find the best value for money product to be purchased which is also satisfied their needs. Male FactorsAgain from the study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009), there are two factors found for males namely brand loyalty and time-energy conserving. For brand loyalty, male consumers score higher than female consumers on this factor because they tend to hav e favorite brands and will use these habitually. Next, time-energy conserving which was not found in females but it characterizes males who often save energy by making their shopping trips as fast as possible in the same stores. Moreover, males have the perception that going shopping is a waste of time and they don’t give their purchases much thought. In overall, both of these results show the similarity with previous researchers, Bakewell and Michell (2006) in the UK. Female factorsFrom the study of Safiek and Hayatul (2009) research, it shows that there are three female factors found namely price consciousness, recreational and shopping avoidance. Female consumers scored higher than male consumers on price consciousness shows that female are more aware of the sale prices and more often choose to purchase lower price products. Next, female shoppers are more particular on recreational or pleasant shopping activity compared to male shoppers. And this factor is consistent with Mitchell and Walsh’s (2004) and Bakewell and Mitchell’s (2006) which characterization of a recreational consumer. The last factor is shopping avoidance which is very exclusive to female consumers and posed an opposite trait of recreational.However the high scored shows that if the shopping is unpleasant, female shoppers will tend to shop as quickly by purchasing the first brands or product that seem to be good enough. Conclusion In conclusion, through the research of consumer decision making styles, it offers a great opportunity to understand the characteristic or style of consumer towards their shopping behavior. And this consumer style inventory provides a fundamental for consumer decision making styles and has practical application advantages for marketers in their marketing strategic. However this study has a limitation because it only covered a specific segment of young adult in an local university in Malaysia.For future recommendation, there is a need to study th ese decision making styles among the larger population across different segment in order to get better converge of Malaysia young consumers. References Sproles, G. & Kendall, E. (1986). A Methodology for Profiling Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 20 (2), pp. 267-279 Mitchell, V. , & Walsh, G. (2004). Gender Differences in German Consumer Decision-Making styles. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3(4), 331-346 Bakewell, C. & Mitchell, V. W. (2003) Generation Y Female Consumer Decision-Making styles. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(2), 95-106. Bakewell, C. & Mitchell, V. W. (2006).Male versus Female Consumer Decision Making. Journal of Business Research, 59, 1297-1300. Hiu, A. S. Y. , Siu, N. Y. M. , Wang, C. C. L. & Chang, L. M. K. (2001). An Investigation of Decision-Making Styles of Consumers in China. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35 (2), 326-345. Safiek, M. & Hayatul, S. S. (2009). Consumer Decision-Making Styles in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study of Gender Differences. European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 10, Number 4 Safiek, M. (2009). An Investigation of Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Young-Adults in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 4, No. 4 Darley, W. K. & Smith, R. E (1995).Gender Differences in Information Processing Strategies: An Empirical Test of the Selectivity Model in Advertising Response. Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 41-59. Meyer-Levy, J. & Sternthal, B. (1991). Gender Differences in the Use of Message Cues and Judgments. Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (1), 84-96. Kaylene C. Williams, K. C. , Page, R. A, Petrosky, A. R. & Hernandez, E. H. (2010). Multi-Generational Marketing: Descriptions, Characteristics, Lifestyles, and Attitudes. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, Vol. 11(2) Sengupta, D. & Titus, R. (2012). Evaluating Environmental Variables to assess Exhibited Behaviour: A Study of Gen Y. International Conference on Technology and Business Management Yeong, N. C. & Lovet, M. G. (2010).Consumer Decision-Making Styles of Hispanic American College Students: A Consumer Styles Inventory Approach. American Journal of Business Research, Vol. 3, No 2 Ghodeswar B. M. (2007), â€Å"Consumer Decision-Making Styles Among Indian Students†, Alliance Journal of Business Research, Vol. 3, Spring 2007, pp. 36-48. Gupta, M. , Brantley, A. , & Jackson, V. P. (2010). Product Involvement as a Predictor of Generation Y Consumer Decision Making Styles. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 14, Num. 2 Kambiz, H. H. & Fereshteh, L. (2011). Influence of Family Structure on Consumer Decision-making Style in Iran. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6, No. 11; November 2011

Monday, July 29, 2019

Provide a comprehensive definition of Federalism and discuss its long Essay

Provide a comprehensive definition of Federalism and discuss its long evolution along with the manner in which it functions toda - Essay Example The states must abide by their own laws as long as the individual laws do not create conflict with foreign laws. Federalism has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of federalism include a states individual freedom. A state in America contains its own individual government. The individual government is able to act as its own but not to exceed laws on a national level. Disadvantages are that although a state may seem free, the state is limited to issues that are on a national level such as immigration and federal taxes. Federalism and American History The evolution of the federalist government went through many changes since the 18th century. Under the American experience, the federalist government was shaped specifically in the 1780s. This was when factions of Federalists and Anti-federalists created many debates and arguments about the acceptance of the American Constitution. This was concerning the issue of the rights and the powers of individual states with relations to th e federal government (Drake & Nelson). The conflict between the two mentioned parties molded what came to be the future federal and state division. This is now known as the individual states that make up the United States. In order for these states to be different from one another, Federalism had to take place. Further changes within the established federal system extended towards the 19th century with the Supreme Court’s decision to amend the constitution. A desire to create a stronger national government was established and strengthened with several additional revisions to the flow of the government system.   In the 20th century, the growing power of the national government was due to the influences of World War I, World War II, the Great Depression, The Civil Rights movements and The Cold War.   An important point to the evolution of the American federal government happened during the Clinton administration in 1996 where a â€Å"Devolution Revolution† was implem ented in order to distribute the powers of economic regulations and social welfare from the national government down to the state governments.   Federalism is what created just cause for amendments of the constitution. Even after every state became ratified as part of the Constitution of the United States of America, there were still many issues that played a role toward Federalism in America. Federalism is a piece of American history that was fought for by Americans to create a nation that is free and separate from previous British government. The 10th Amendment American federalism is mainly fueled by the 10th Amendment of the American Constitution. The 10th Amendment states that, â€Å"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people...† (Charters of Freedom: The Bill of Rights). The mentioned amendment is interpreted such that the powers not given to the nation al or the federal government will be obviously and naturally given to the state governments and the people as their principle. Therefore, constitutionally and in this way lawfully, the American federal government clearly upholds its principle of giving the administrative power to the people. Democracy is then intertwined with the type of government that the American people have. After all, it is because of the people that the government exists, not the other way around. Federalism Further Defined With

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coursework 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coursework 1 - Essay Example Graphic Design, which developed in Switzerland in 1950 was aimed at these tasks, and therefore the concept and methodology of the Swiss style soon spread throughout the world. One of the areas where the emerging international style was the most in demand, was the pharmaceutical industry. The largest Swiss companies that manufactured chemicals and drugs (Ciba, Geigy, Hoffmann-La Roche, Sandoz) to establish a modern corporate style appealed to the leading masters of graphic design - A. Hofmann, C. Gerstner, N. Rudin, J. Hemburgeru, J . Mà ¼ller-Brockmann and others. In Zurich in 1950-s. the most prominent graphic designer was Josef Muller-Brockmann, who has chosen a new  «anonymous » style. A graduate of the Zurich School of Art and Industry, since 1936 he worked as a freelance graphic designer. One of the most brilliant pages in the the career was the creation of posters on the musical program of the Concert Hall (Zurich Tonhalle, 1950 - 1972) and the Opera House of Zurich (Opernhaus Zurich, 1960.). (Bringhust, 2004) To create a visual image of the placards Muller-Brockmann used cascades of crescent shape, the cycle of arcs, the modulation wave-like lines. By the beginning of 1960 the concert posters by Muller-Brockmann become extremely font. The intervals in words, taking the advantage of color and scale, sought to master rhythmic architectonic unity. Typographic composition, the formation of the principle of crossword, stepped lines, or in several columns, represented typical examples of functional typography . Strict and clear style of these years was the culmination of mathematical principles in graphic design. (Hollis, 2006) By the middle of 1960 the usual practice of Swiss graphic designers is the use of modular grid. The book by J. Muller-Brockmann  «Challenges of graphic artist in the field of design engineering » (Gestaltungsprobleme des Grafikers, 1961) first presented the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Differences between Islamic Financing Methods and Conventional Research Paper

Differences between Islamic Financing Methods and Conventional Financing Methods - Research Paper Example The purpose of this study is to highlight the differences between the conventional financing methods and Islamic financing methods. The growing stature of Islamic financing methods in different parts of the world has offered different options to customers. It needs to be mentioned that Islamic financing methods are different from the conventional financing methods in terms of interest and profit elements. However, very few people are aware of that and often consider Islamic financing methods as similar to conventional financing methods. The study aims at highlighting the basic difference between these two financing methods along with analysing the overall importance and significance in the economic environment. The research also highlights the significance of the study in the current business and social environment. There is no doubt that Islamic financing methods are driven by religious teachings and preaching while conventional financing methods are based on modern and practical el ements of the economic environment like earning profit for every investment. The research encompasses a thorough analysis of differences between Islamic and conventional financing methods, assessment of advantages and disadvantages in the economic environment and preference of customers driven by religious issues and personal proclivity towards the financing methods. Financial institutions are often considered as the heart beat of any nation and smooth operation of these institutions often flourishes the perfect balance between the demand and supply of funds. There are a number of banks having different styles and perceptions of operating in a particular business and social environment. Islamic capitalism was based on Islamic principles where interest was prohibited in every sense. Islamic capitalism can be traced way back in 8-12th century but this has very little significance to this study. The primary purpose of this study is to highlight the differences between the conventional financing methods and Islamic financing methods. The growing stature of Islamic financing methods in different parts of the world has offered different options to customers. It needs to be mentioned that Islamic financing methods are different from the conventional financing methods in terms of interest and profit elements (Hassan, Kabir, Lewis, (2007). However, very few people are aware of that and often consider Islamic financing methods as similar to conventional financing methods. The study aims at highlighting the basic difference between these two

Psychosocial interventions and cognitive behavioural therapy. A Case Essay

Psychosocial interventions and cognitive behavioural therapy. A Case Study - Essay Example The death occurred several months ago and Rita has been unable to get past her grief. Rita was personable to all staff and she took the assessments easily. She was assessed to have complicated grief, depression and anxiety. There are several challenges for Rita that as clinicians we will attempt to sort out so that she can receive the medical assistance that she needs. Rita was diagnosed with complicated grief as one of the first "symptoms" of her health needs. There are several issues that come about because of complicated grief. Wagner, Knaevelsrud and Maercker found that when a significant person dies it can leave a spouse with a variety of emotions from a post-traumatic stress situation to increased passion and optimism. They also cite that there is a larger body of evidence that shows complicated grief as a disorder that should be seen as different than depression (Wagner, Knaevelsrud and Maercker 2007: 157). Langner and Maerker argue that complicated grief is a disorder that shows "as a combination of sustained intrusion, avoidance and maladjustment symptoms" (Langner and Maerker 2005 cited in Wagner et. al. 2007: 157). They also suggest that this disorder can be related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because it usually is a reaction to having exposure to an event that was stressful. For Rita, the complicated grief is a result of her husbands death which was her traumatic event. His death was not expected when it happened and she was not prepared for it. She may have some responses that are similar to the PTSD symptoms but they do not seem to be the most prevalent in her diagnosis. As the psychiatric nurse part of the mental health team, it is important o notice that grief is always something that happens in life. Most people will have a healthy relationship with grief because they will go through anger ad other emotions naturally. Some may feel that the people who are attempting to help them have ulterior motives. The bereaved may also

Friday, July 26, 2019

Two Types of Groups in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two Types of Groups in Society - Essay Example The people that I work with have been participating in the volunteer group since its inception. The second primary group I belong too is the card playing group. Typically such a group would be considered a secondary group, but in my case, it is a primary group because all the members of the group are immediate or extended family members. We meet every Saturday from 6:00 P.M to midnight to play cards while enjoying a home cook meal and a few drinks. These two primary groups are very important to me because they help me engage in social activities that I value. The primary groups provide me with moral support. I usually discuss my problems with my church buddies and with my family member during our meetings. Both groups are important for me and I value their existence. Secondary groups also serve a social purpose in life. The main difference between the primary and secondary group is that the person that compose the group are acquaintances or people we know such as co-workers. Also, these types of groups seem to be temporary. A secondary group I currently belong too is a team that formulated in school to complete a classroom project. The members of the group are fellow students who I just recently met. My behavior and the behavior of the other members of the group are impersonal. Our objective is to complete the classroom project on time and to get the best grade possible with the minimum requirement being that we obtain a passing grade. A second secondary group I belong to with a subgroup within my Facebook account. There are many secondary groups that a person can enter when they sign up for a social network. After the Haiti earthquake joined a secondary Facebook group called â€Å"Help for Haiti†.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wise Blood By Flannery OConnor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wise Blood By Flannery OConnor - Essay Example For instance, Motes has the character of a martyr, despite spending most of his time trying to run away from God. As a child, Haze was convinced he could avoid Jesus if he avoided committing sins. When this does not seem to work, he becomes determined to convert to nothing. Motes cannot go to any place without people mistaking him for a preacher, no matter his actions. Nevertheless, the key purpose of the novel is to show that here is an exploration of repercussions of the decision made by Motes after deciding to reject God. Sin and forgiveness, as a theme is clearly depicted in almost all the characters, in the novel. When Motes pursues the new prophet, Solace Layfield, Motes rams his car and runs over him. Right before Layfield dies; he confesses his sins, including the fact that the car was stolen and asks Jesus for help. This scene serves to the give the novel a moralistic lesson. Readers learn that it is difficult to deny Christ’s salvation in both life and death; in deat h, Layfield does not resist Christ’s presence and asks for forgiveness. The idea in his mind, that, Jesus would have sacrificed his life for every sinner â€Å"in ten million deaths† (p.10), haunts Motes. Motes later comes to a conclusion that he does not believe in such beliefs as evidenced in the text; â€Å"There was already a deep black wordless conviction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ .... The author indicates that Motes soon realized that he was not supposed to watch a naked lady, let alone one in a casket, as it was sinful to do so. Motes punished himself for his actions. O’Connor also quotes for her readers, on her views on sin; â€Å"You can tell people better how terrible sin is if you know from your own personal experience.† (O’Connor 15). It is evident that the author is sending the message; sexuality is sinful. The figure of Christ is the other theme, in the novel. O’Connor informs her readers that before Motes decided to join the army, he wanted to become a preacher. Motes goes home only to avoid Jesus who appears in his mind numerous times. As the author explains, no matter what Motes does Jesus moves "†¦from tree to tree in the back of his mind, a wild, ragged figure motioning him..."(O’Connor 47). It is a figure that reminds Motes he is in dire need of salvation. Hazel Motes returns to the small town only to establish the â€Å"Church without Christ†. Hawk, a preacher in the town informs Motes that he will never run away from Jesus, but despite being told this, Motes still believes that Jesus does not exist. This is evidenced when he says â€Å"I’m going to preach a new church; the church of truth without Jesus Christ Crucified (O’Connor 28). O’Connor’s assertion of the figure of Christ is also depicted through the use of signs. When Motes drives all the way into the country, he stops and sees a sign that says â€Å"†¦Jesus Saves†. This emphasizes the fact that Motes cannot escape Jesus Christ, despites all the efforts used. The working of God’s grace in a person’s life is also another key theme in Wise Blood. O’Connor’s concept of Grace in the central character, Hazel Motes, is strongly enforced

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Political Economy (Theories of Late Capitalism) Essay - 1

Political Economy (Theories of Late Capitalism) - Essay Example American economy, also, is no exception to it. For instance, after The World War-2, America emerged as economic giant because of rapid progress in different fields, but hardly a decade had passed that The US confronted Great Depression. It was asserted that stock market collapse was the major cause of the great depression and â€Å"as the consequence of this stock market collapse, an unparalleled depression overtook United States† (Majumdar et al 234). The way America made achievements during era of industrialization and during the World War-1; she could not withstand stock speculation and its ultimate consequences. Leading points for the United States’ rise to power. America with its progressive policies marked its existence as economic giant and witnessed economic boom once again after decade of Great Depression was over and particularly in the post World War 2 era. The leading points which led to the rise of American economy initially include many things. To begin with America gave suppleness in taxation. It made taxation as easy as possible. Secondly, it applied theories of monetary pull and occupied employment financial plan. Thirdly, it included in its economic policy to include quantitative targets for the economy. Fourthly, a growth model of economy was put into practice rather than earlier cyclical model which allowed just transaction of the same. Finally, substitute of the impression of being without a job as a structural predicament by a consciousness of a low down combined stipulate. Mechanisms that Immanuel Waller stein credits with weakening US power. The mechanisms which Immanuel Waller stein consider for the weakening og American superpower are also various. In this pretext, to begin with, geographic expansion of the European world-economy to include the whole of the globe shook US economy. In the second place, the expansion meant the elimination of other world-systems as well as the absorption of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Being In Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Being In Nature - Essay Example So, I decided to look at the nature through lens of a system of beliefs that is not common for me and gain first hand experience. This paper will provide an accurate account of the way I perceived the nature from the point of view of Chinese folk religions. First of all, it must be noted that while sitting on the bank of the river, I used my imagination to think that everything that is around me may be home for a particular deity, as is proposed by Chinese folk religion (Taylor 299). I tried to envision how gods could dwell in the trees or in the rocks. I also took a close look at the river, thinking about it not as a huge amount of water that was flowing from an elevated platform towards the ocean, but some kind of a miracle. I thought that if I try hard enough I will be able to image the god of the river and maybe interact with it. In addition to that, while sitting on the bank, I felt that I was ready for some fantastic actions. Indeed, I thought that is the surrounding area is full of different deities that some interesting might happen to me as well. That is why I looked at the forest and at the river, hoping that I will be able to communicate with the gods that live there and they might possibly give me a quest to complete. There is no doubt in the fact that if a person perceives the world in this way, than the latter becomes a rather interesting place to live in. Finally, I looked at the nature that was around me and felt that there is much more than a simple set of natural objects. I felt that under certain conditions, a person might feel that the place were I was sitting is able to tell a story. I think that it would not be an exaggeration that this was as close as I have ever been to understanding a different worldview. In spite of the fact that I knew that there would not be a fancy half transparent figure floating in the air dressed in ancient Chinese clothes, I felt that there is truly something more to the scenery. In other

Monday, July 22, 2019

The evolution of human intelligence Essay Example for Free

The evolution of human intelligence Essay The evolution of human intelligence refers to a set of theories that attempt to explain how human intelligence has evolved. These theories are closely tied to the evolution of the human brain and to the emergence of human language. The timeline of human evolution spans approximately 7 million years,[citation needed] from the separation of the Pan genus until the emergence of behavioral modernity by 50,000 years ago. The first 3 million years of this timeline concern Sahelanthropus, the following 2 million concern Australopithecus and the final 2 million span the history of actual human species (the Paleolithic). Many traits of human intelligence, such as empathy, theory of mind, mourning, ritual, and the use of symbols and tools, are already apparent in great apes although in lesser sophistication than in humans. The great apes show considerable abilities for cognition and empathy. Chimpanzees make tools and use them to acquire foods and for social displays; they have sophisticated hunting strategies requiring cooperation, influence and rank; they are status conscious, manipulative and capable of deception; they can learn to use symbols and understand aspects of human language including some relational syntax, concepts of number and numerical sequence.In one study, young chimpanzees outperformed human college students in tasks requiring remembering numbers. This claim was refuted in a later study after it was noted that the chimpanzees had received extensive practice with the task while the students were evaluated on their first attempt. When human subjects were given time to practice, they substantially outperformed the young chimps. Chimpanzees are capable of empathy, having been observed to feed turtles in the wild, and show curiosity in wildlife (such as pythons)[citation needed].Homininae Around 10 million years ago, the Earths climate entered a cooler and drier phase, which led eventually to the ice ages beginning some 2.6 million years ago. One consequence of this was that the north African tropical forest began to retreat, being replaced first by open grasslands and eventually by desert (the modern Sahara). As their environment changed from continuous forest to patches of forest separated by expanses of grassland, some primates adapted to a partly or fully ground-dwelling life. Here they were exposed to predators, such as the big cats, from whom they had previously been safe. These environmental pressures caused selection to favor bipedalism: walking on hind legs. This gave the Homininaes eyes greater elevation, the ability to see approaching danger further off, and a more efficient means of locomotion (see main article for details).[citation needed] It also freed the forelimbs (arms) from the task of walking and made the hands available for tasks such as gathering food. At some point the bipedal primates developed handedness, giving them the ability to pick up sticks, bones and stones and use them as weapons, or as tools for tasks such as killing smaller animals, cracking nuts, or cutting up carcasses. In other words, these primates developed the use of primitive technology. Bipedal tool-using primates form the Hominina subtribe, of which the earliest species, such as Sahelanthropus tchadensis, date to about 7 to 5 million years ago. From about 5 million years ago, the Hominin brain began to develop rapidly in both size and differentiation of function. It has been shown that Great Ape cooperation and communication is severely impeded by their competitiveness, and thus that the apes would revolutionize their culture-bearing ability if they could just shrug off their competitiveness. It is also well known that even early hominins lacked the size and sharpness of their canine teeth that apes use as a threat signal, suggesting prehumans simply had no use for threat signals. That means they had already transcended ape competitiveness and thus developed superior cooperation and communication. There has been a gradual increase in brain volume as humans progressed along the timeline of evolution (see Homininae), starting from about 600 cm3 in Homo habilis up to 1500 cm3 in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Thus, in general theres a correlation between brain volume and intelligence. However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, and the Flores hominids (Homo floresiensis), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 (considered small for a chimpanzee) about a third of that of H. erectus. It is proposed that they evolved from H. erectus as a case of insular dwarfism. With their three times smaller brain the Flores hominids apparently used fire and made tools as sophisticated as those of their ancestor H.erectus. In this case, it seems that for intelligence, the structure of the brain is more important than its volume. The social brain hypothesis was proposed by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who argues that human intelligence did not evolve primarily as a means to solve ecological problems, but rather intelligence evolved as a means of surviving and reproducing in large and complex social groups. Some of the behaviors associated with living in large groups include reciprocal altruism, deception and coalition formation. These group dynamics relate to Theory of Mind or the ability to understand the thoughts and emotions of others, though Dunbar himself admits in the same book that it is not the flocking itself that causes intelligence to evolve (as shown by ruminants). Dunbar argues that when the size of a social group increases, the number of different relationships in the group may increase by orders of magnitude. Chimpanzees live in groups of about 50 individuals whereas humans typically have a social circle of about 150 people, which is now referred to as Dunbars number. According to the social brain hypothesis, when hominids started living in large groups, selection favored greater intelligence. As evidence, Dunbar cites a relationship between neocortex size and group size of various mammals. However, meerkats have far more social relationships than their small brain capacity would suggest. Another hypothesis is that it is actually intelligence that causes social relationships to become more complex, because intelligent individuals are more difficult to learn to know. There are also studies that show that Dunbars number is not the upper limit of the number of social relationships in humans either

Carl Rogers Essay Example for Free

Carl Rogers Essay Experience is, for me, the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. No other persons ideas, and none of my own ideas, are as authoritative as my experience. It is to experience that I must return again and again, to discover a closer approximation to truth as it is in the process of becoming in me. -Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person Best Known For: †¢Carl Rogers is best-known for his nondirective approach to treatment known as client-centered therapy. †¢His concept of the actualizing tendency. †¢Developing the concept of the fully-functioning person. Birth and Death †¢Born January 8, 1902 †¢Died February 4, 1987 Timeline of Events: †¢1902 Carl Rogers was born in Oak Park, Illinois. †¢1919 Enrolled at University of Wisconsin. †¢1924 Graduated from University of Wisconsin and enrolled at Union Theological Seminary. †¢1926 Transferred to Columbia. †¢1931- Earned Ph.D. from Columbia. †¢1940 Began teaching at University of Ohio. †¢1946 Elected president of American Psychological Association (APA). †¢1951 Published Client-centered Therapy. †¢1961 Published On Becoming A Person. †¢1980 Published A Way of Being. †¢1987 Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Early Life: Carl Rogers enrolled at the University of Wisconsin in 1919 as an agriculture major, but later changed to religion. After attending a 1922 Christian conference in China, Rogers began to question his career choice. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1924 with a bachelors degree in History and enrolled at the Union Theological Seminary before transferring to Teachers College of Columbia University to complete his masters degree. He completed his doctorate at Columbia in 1931. Career: After receiving his Ph.D., Rogers spent a number of years working in academia, holding positions at Ohio State University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin. It was during this time that Rogers developed his approach to therapy, which he initially termed nondirective therapy. This approach, which involves the therapist acting as a facilitator rather than a director of the therapy session, eventually came to be known as client-centered therapy. After a number of conflicts within the psychology department at the University of Wisconsin, Rogers accepted a position at the Western Behavioral Studies Institute (WBSI) in La Jolla, California. Eventually, he and several colleagues left WBSI to form Center for Studies of the Person (CSP). Carl Rogers continued his work with client-centered therapy until his death in 1987. Contributions to Psychology: With his emphasis on human potential, Carl Rogers had an enormous influence on both psychology and education. Beyond that, he is considered by many to be one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. More therapists cite Rogers as their primary influence than any other psychologist. As described by his daughter Natalie Rogers, he was a model for compassion and democratic ideals in his own life, and in his work as an educator, writer, and therapist. Selected Works By Carl Rogers: Rogers, C. (1951) Client-centered Therapy: Its current practice, implications and theory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. (1961) On Becoming A Person: A Therapists View of Psychotheraphy Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. (1980) A Way of Being. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Biographies of Carl Rogers: Cohen, D. (1997) Carl Rogers. A critical biography. London: Constable. Thorne, B. (1992) Carl Rogers. London: Sage. Sources: Rogers, N. Carl Rogers Biography.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Defined Benefit And Define Contribution Pension Schemes Accounting Essay

Defined Benefit And Define Contribution Pension Schemes Accounting Essay Pension is fund that is built during the working life of the employee and then used to secure the income after retirement. These funds can be operated by employer (occupational pension) who invests over time or alternatively employee can invest in a fund of their choice (private pension scheme). Both of these schemes generate income after retirement. The pension funds are operated in many countries. According to international financial service the UK pension fund is $1,464 billion, Germany had $268 billion and France had $164 billion. Pension schemes are of two major types: Defined benefit scheme Defined contribution scheme DEFINED BENEFIT SCHEMES: Define benefit scheme is also known as final salary scheme which stipulate a particular level of income after retirement normally based on final salary and length of service. Although there is a compulsory contribution by the employee, most of the cost of the benefit and risk of the investment is borne by the employer. For example, in most of the public sector pension schemes, UK employers pay 60% of the cost of providing the benefits and members pay 40%. Various factors which effect the contribution includes: Value of the scheme assets and investment yield. Â  The composition of scheme membership. Â  Rate of salary growth of the scheme members. Â  Longer life span after retirement. Â  Changing regulatory requirements. Contributory Defined Benefit Scheme: In this case the employees make contributions to the pension scheme. Final Salary Schemes and Career Average Salary Schemes are the contributory Defined Benefit Schemes. Final Salary Scheme: In this case the pension amount is calculated on the basis of the final salary of an employee in that company. From the employers point of view these are expensive as compared to other pension schemes. The contributions for are made by the employee for the pension scheme. Career Average Salary Scheme : It calculates the pension amount depending upon the average earnings over the total number of years an employee works in a company. The benefits would be a percentage of the average salary earned by an employee during his career in that particular company. As compared to final salary scheme they are less costly for the employers. In this case also employee contributes in the pension scheme. Non- Contributory Defined Benefit Scheme: In this case the emploer instead of employee is responsible for the contributions in the pension scheme. Cash Salary Scheme is the non contributory Scheme. Cash Salary Scheme: This is a non contributory defined benefit scheme. In this case employer contributes a particular amount of money each year on behalf of the employee. They are a combination of defined benefit scheme and defined contribution scheme. For this reason they are also called as Hybrid Schemes. Decline in Defined Benefit Schemes: In define benefit scheme employer bears most of the risk as well if the pension fund become insufficient either due to poor investment performance or large salary increases, employer must replenish the pension fund out of business revenues. Operating such scheme on average earnings rather than final salary can help to protect against higher rate of salary growth. Munnell and Soto found that many firms have frozen define benefit plans since 2003. There are Following are the number of factors which have been used by employers to explain the decline of defined benefit schemes which are described below: Source : DEFINED CONTRIBUTION SCHEMES Defined contribution schemes are also known as money purchase scheme in which the employee and/or employer make contributions into a pension fund according to prescribed rules. At retirement the pension fund is used to buy annuity which is an income guaranteed for life of the recipient. Most of the personal pensions are of his type. Under defined contribution schemes following factors determine the pension income available at retirement. The contributions invested in the scheme; Product provider charges; The performance of the pension fund; The annuity rate at retirement date The main factors that determine the benefits at retirement are the contributions invested by the employee, the return on investment earned, Annuity rate, the type of annuity selected and the charges of the scheme. Due to the characteristics and benefits of this scheme, this is the most popular type of pension schemes used in UK. These contributions cover a wide variety of private and occupational schemes. In this case the risk of poor returns on investment or high cost lies with the employee instead of employer. The employees cannot forecast their pension as the return on investment fund is uncertain. The factors affecting the return like annuity rate, charges on investments and performance of investments are beyond the control of the employee. An employee can also be certain of the amount of investment made by him. In the initial stages of investment the contributions are invested in the investments where risk is high and as an employee reaches near his retirement his contributions are invested in comparatively less riskier investments. This provides a good combination of growth and security. Employees in this case can have tax relief on their contributions. The pension fund in this case therefore includes: Pension Fund = Employees Contributions + Employers Contributions + Investment Returns + Tax benefits The contributions are invested in the shares and other investments with the aim of earning more return on these investments which can help in the growth of the pension fund before the retirement of the employees. Employees can choose the investments in which they want to invest. At the time of retirement employees can take a tax free lump sum amount from their pension and the remaining amount can be used to secure an income. If an employee changes his job he can stop making payments to his fund and can leave it as it is with his previous employer. This is also known as Deferred or Preserved Pension. Otherwise with some additional cost and risk he can get it transferred to his new employer or a stakeholder. Defined contributions scheme allows employees to make regular contributions. Employer can also opt for making contributions in the pension fund. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEFINED BENEFIT AND DEFINED CONTRIBUTION SCHEMES. The defined benefit and defined contribution schemes can be best differentiated by determining where the risks lie. In a defined benefit scheme, the employer bears the vast majority of costs and if investment returns poor yield or costs increase, the pension fund can become insufficient and the employer must replenish the fund out of the business revenues. Whereas in a defined contribution scheme the contributions are paid at a fixed level and therefore it is the recipient who bears these risks. If they are not able to increase contributions when fund performance is poor or cost increases, then their retirement income will be lower. In UK there is an upper limit from a define benefit scheme where as there is no upper limit to the level of income generated from this scheme. Basis Defined Benefit Scheme Defined Contribuion Scheme 1. Risk Risk lies with the employer Risk lies with the employee 2. Change in Value of Investment Pension fund is fixed and pre determined. Pension funds have the growth potential. They are flexible and can provide more return. 3. Affect of Market conditions Market conditions do not affect the pension fund Market conditions affect the return on investments made by the employees. 4. Economic Conditions. Economic conditions like inflation, affects the employees. As they receive fixed amount and the value of money decreases. They have less affect of the economic conditions on the investments. 5. Cost to employer These have high cost associated with them for the employer. These plans have comparatively low cost. 6. Responsibility Responsibility to make payments lie with the employer most of the times. Employee is responsible to make payments 7. Trend These pension schemes have a downward trend these days due to the cost associated with them for the employer. They have an upward trend due to the less cost to the employers. 8. Uncertain These are comparatively more certain. The same amount invested by two different persons provides the same return. These are uncertain in nature. The employee knows the amount he or his employer invested but he is uncertain about the return on this investment. The recent rush to close final salary pension schemes to new employees means that an increasing number of workers now have to rely on defined contribution (money purchase) schemes to provide their future retirement income, either through a scheme set up by their employer or a personal pension as a group or individual arrangement. Buessing and Sotos (2006) analysis of data from Department of Labor Form 5500 filings shows that the number of individuals who participate only in a private sector define benefit plan has declined from 9.6 million in 1990 to 6.6 million in 2003. The growth of private sector define contribution plans has given employees new responsibility for managing retirement assets and made retirement wealth accumulation a function of an employees contribution and asset allocation decisions. Accrued benefits in define benefit plans do not depend on financial market returns, except in extreme circumstances such as plan insolvency. Benefits in define contribution plans, however, are a function of financial market returns. Some analysts have suggested that define contribution plans expose prospective retirees to greater risk than define benefit plans because of this link. Several recent studies have examined financial market risk in define contribution plans. Balcer and Sahin (1979) compare define benefit and define contribution plans in a lifecycle setting, recognizing that earnings uncertainty and job transitions have an important effect on the accumulated wealth of define benefit plan participants. Bodie, Marcus, and Merton (1988) note that define benefit and define contribution plans both entail risks, but that these risks are different. Neither of these studies make quantitative estimates of relative risks; two more recent studies do. Samwick and Skinner (2004) use data from the 1983 and 1989 Survey of Consumer Finances and the associated Pension Provider Supplement (PPS) to summarize DC and DB plan attributes. They generate synthetic earnings histories under the assumption that the logarithm of earnings follows a random walk with age-related drift, and they evaluate define benefit and define contribution wealth accumulation for these earnings hi stories. This approach may miss subtle stochastic properties of actual earnings histories. The results suggest that for many workers define contribution plan accumulations are likely to exceed the actuarial present discounted value (PDV) of define benefit plan benefits. Finally, Schrager (2005) uses data on earnings and job change patterns from the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics to study related issues. She finds that job turnover increased in the 1990s, making define contribution plans more attractive relative to define benefit plans for many workers. Both of the empirical studies parameterize the earnings and job change processes, thereby suppressing some of the richness in individual earnings histories. One of the key risks in both define benefit and define contribution wealth accumulation is an ex ante risk that workers face when they accept a job: what does the firms define contribution or define benefit plan offer? There is substantial variation in the generosity of employer matching contributions in define contribution plans, and in the normal retirement age and level of risks that are realized as their working career unfolds. These include their earnings path, which is a key input directly to define benefit wealth accruals and which affects the capacity to make define contribution contributions, the economic fortunes of their employer, which may lead to changes in the retirement plan parameters, their job tenure and the number of jobs they hold over their working career, the choices they make in a define contribution plan, and the financial market returns that they earn on their define contribution plan investments. Some components of both the post-retirement benefits in define benefit plans. In addition to these ex ante risks, workers also face ex post ex ante and ex post risk are under the control of the worker, who may decide whether or not to work for a firm with particular pension characteristics, whether or not to voluntarily separate from a firm with a define benefit plan, or whether or not to contribute the maximum amount to a define contribution plan. Conclusion When employers try to compare the real overall cost of providing a typical defined benefit scheme with a typical defined contribution scheme, they usually fail to compare like with like. It is often forgotten that because employers tend to benefit from favorable investment returns with defined benefit schemes, many defined benefit arrangements have actually cost a lot less than contribution levels suggest if you take into account contribution reductions and contribution holidays. Certainly when looking back beyond the recent troubled financial markets, it was not uncommon for defined benefit arrangements to be holding surpluses and/or to be taking contribution holidays. This will not be possible under a defined contribution scheme where the employer is required to maintain the agreed level of contributions irrespective of how well the investments are performing, subject only to the proviso that an individual cannot be over-funded (i.e. the benefits that can be purchased by their contributions cannot exceed the maximum as laid down by the Inland Revenue). This will not always be the case and negotiators might like to remind employers of this fact during their deliberations. Where it does not prove possible to persuade the employer to maintain a defined benefit scheme for all employees then the objective must be to ensure that the defined contribution scheme agreed is essentially based upon contributions that will actually deliver an adequate pension for future retiring employees.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Vinegar :: essays research papers fc

Vinegar Chris Nacey Writing 101 Final draft 2-19-1997 When I was a child, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother. She liked to cook and so did I. Because of this, I learned my way around the kitchen. I knew the place for everything, and I knew the uses of most everything. There was only one paradox, in my knowledge of the kitchen: vinegar. My mother had one bottle of vinegar for as long as I can remember. She never used it in cooking, or taught me how to for that matter. Our bottle of White Wine Vinegar sat in our cupboard: on the bottom shelf, enigmatically, untouched, detached. I knew that my mother wouldn't have it without reason. It was in the kitchen, so I concluded that it must be some sort of, rarely used, cooking staple. I would never have guessed then that vinegar had so many uses. Just the other day, I was in the mall visiting a friend that works at Frankincense and Myrrh. While there, I happened upon some bottles that caught my eye. They were attractive looking ornamental bottles. Each one was filled with mysterious, colored liquids: the colors varied from red to brown to yellow. In the liquids were berries', sprigs of herbs, and things of the such. I thought they looked interesting, so I picked up a bottle that I recognized as having sage in it. I took a look at the label. On the label were listed the ingredients: sage, rosemary, and southernwood leaves. When I read the front of the bottle, I was surprised to find that I was looking at an herbal vinegar hair rinse. Before this I never knew that such a thing existed. After my experience at the mall, I became aware that vinegar didn't just belong in the kitchen. This intrigued me. I decided to find out more about vinegar and its uses. Nobody knows the exact origins of vinegar, but there are many stories and beliefs surrounding this strange liquid.(Oster 3) The Roman Army was recorded to have mixed vinegar with water to make a sort of Gatorade for the soldiers. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century United States, similar drinks known as "shrubs" or "switchels" were made by field laborers. To make these drinks, they mixed either fruit juices or water, with sometimes salt, and fruit-flavored vinegars.(Oster 4) The earliest recorded use of vinegar, however, was in Babylonia around 5,000 B.C. There, it was typically made from dates, and commonplace as a medicine.(Oster 3) Throughout history, vinegar has been used medicinally.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Data Encryption Essay -- Computer Technology

Encryption Data encryption refers to the transformation of data into a structure that makes it unreadable by anyone without a secret decryption key. It ensures that messages can be read only by the planned recipient. Encryption is the procedure of obscuring information to create it unreadable without special information. Only organizations and individuals with an abnormal need for secrecy have actually made good use of it. Nowadays, encryption is one of the most important technologies for maintaining your privacy and the security of important information. This helps out greatly especially when E-Commerce is being used. Encryption converts a message in such as way that its contents are hidden from unauthorized readers. It is intended to keep messages and information as a secret. Plaintext, also known as clear text, is the plain or original message, which is has not yet been encrypted. Once the message is encrypted it is then called a cipher text. This process is obviously referred as encryption. The exact opposite process is called decryption. Encryption is the most successful way to attain data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Data encryption is a means of scrambling the data so that is can only be read by the person holding the key, a password of some sort. Without the key, the cipher cannot be broken and the data remains secure. Using the key, the cipher is decrypted and the data is returned to its original value or state. Each time one desires to encrypt data, a key from the 72,000,000,000,000,000 possible k ey variations, is randomly produced, and used to encrypt the data. The same key must be made known to the receiver if they ar... ...M and the US National Security Agency. It was previously the most dominant type of encryption, but it is now being taken over by AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Since data encryption standard, only took on a 56-bit symmetric key encryption, AES uses three key sizes, 128, 192, and 256 bits. When personal computer users want to encrypt email or other documents, they go to Phillip Zimmerman?s "Pretty Good Privacy" software. This software allows you to digitally sign a message, which verifies to the recipient that you are the sender and that no interfering is involved. Works Cited: "Data Encryption Standard (DES)". "TechTalk: Encryption."Computer Concepts. Parsons, June. Boston,Course Technology, 2006. Pg 328-331. "Encryption".,,sid14_gci212062,00.html

Exemplification Essay: War and World Peace :: Expository Exemplification Essays

World Peace is something that will never happen. Too many countries have too much military power and don't want to give in to any other country. War is something that the world is going to have to deal with because there has been very few years over the history of the world that have been war free. Like one quote by an unknown author says, "Peace is rare: less than 8% of the time since the beginning of recorded time has the world been entirely at peace. In a total of 3530 years, 286 have been warless. Eight thousand treaties have been broken in this time." Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 is one of the most influential people of the modern era. (Einstein) As a physicist he changed our understanding of the universe. He was very outspoken about the significant political and social issues of his time. As a Jew he advocated a moral role for the Jewish people. Over his scientific career, he was on a mission for the universal and indisputable laws that govern the physical world. Science was Albert Einstein's love, but he always found time to devote many of his efforts to political causes that were close to his heart. He strived for peace, freedom, and social justice. He became an active leader of the international anti-war movement. (Albert Einstein Archives) Einstein died on April 18, 1955. (Einstein) Einstein said, "I don't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with- stone clubs." This means that whatever weapons are used in the third world war will knock us back in time because they will be so powerful. That is also the reason he doesn't know what they will be because they will be so far advanced compared to his time. This is very possible because of the advances some countries have made in their military strength. For example, the United States executed 1054 nuclear tests between July 16, 1945 and September 23,1992. They also executed two nuclear attacks in that period although the number of actual bombs tested in that time period is far greater. Exemplification Essay: War and World Peace :: Expository Exemplification Essays World Peace is something that will never happen. Too many countries have too much military power and don't want to give in to any other country. War is something that the world is going to have to deal with because there has been very few years over the history of the world that have been war free. Like one quote by an unknown author says, "Peace is rare: less than 8% of the time since the beginning of recorded time has the world been entirely at peace. In a total of 3530 years, 286 have been warless. Eight thousand treaties have been broken in this time." Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 is one of the most influential people of the modern era. (Einstein) As a physicist he changed our understanding of the universe. He was very outspoken about the significant political and social issues of his time. As a Jew he advocated a moral role for the Jewish people. Over his scientific career, he was on a mission for the universal and indisputable laws that govern the physical world. Science was Albert Einstein's love, but he always found time to devote many of his efforts to political causes that were close to his heart. He strived for peace, freedom, and social justice. He became an active leader of the international anti-war movement. (Albert Einstein Archives) Einstein died on April 18, 1955. (Einstein) Einstein said, "I don't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with- stone clubs." This means that whatever weapons are used in the third world war will knock us back in time because they will be so powerful. That is also the reason he doesn't know what they will be because they will be so far advanced compared to his time. This is very possible because of the advances some countries have made in their military strength. For example, the United States executed 1054 nuclear tests between July 16, 1945 and September 23,1992. They also executed two nuclear attacks in that period although the number of actual bombs tested in that time period is far greater.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Unit 4 Development

Unit 4: Development Through the Life Stages P1: Describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the life stages of an individual. Through every life stage we experience physical, intellectual and social and emotional development. Physical development is when the appearance of the body changes. Intellectual development is the mental process of knowing, for example problem solving. The social and emotional development is when your emotions, your personality and social interactions begin. Conception is the process described when the penetration of an egg cell by a sperm cell fuses to form the first cell of a new living organism. Conception normally occurs in the fallopian tubes as a result of sexual intercourse. Pregnancy begins when the embryo implants or embeds itself in the living of the uterus wall and develops. An amniotic sac filled with fluid that surrounds the embryo and acts as a shock absorber. A placenta filled with the mother’s blood and through which the embryo obtains nutrients and eliminates waste. The umbilical cord contains the blood vessels that transport nutrients, oxygen and waste products between the embryo and the placenta. The first few weeks of the pregnancy are critical for the embryo and its development can be affected by the health and behaviour of the mother. The next life stage is birth and infancy this is to the age of 3 years. The physical developments throughout this stage are the following. The body doubles in height and quadruples in weight. Motor skills progress from simple reflexes to coordinates motor abilities such as grasping and walking. The child’s sensory and perceptual ability develops rapidly. For example when the baby is 0 to 6 months their short- sightedness reduces and their eyes begin to focus more clearly. Another physical development would the brain responding to stimulation, such as a child copying an adult clapping. The intellectual development in birth and infancy is when basic structure of language is learned through baby talk with adults. This development would usually occur 0 to 6 months. Babies often use crying, cooing and babbling as their first communication. Further language skills are developed by the age of 1, to constructing sentences by the age of 2. Children start to be aware of world progress through immediate sensory motor experiences such as hearing familiar voices and pointing. Lastly children start to think about the concept of objects, for example objects still exist when out of sight and awareness. This development occurs from 6 to 12 months when the child begins to pass objects between hands. It develops further at 18 to 24 months when children can throw a ball and use a crayon. By the end of birth and infancy children can build a tower of bricks and use scissors. The social and emotional developments in birth and infancy are the following. The child’s emotional responses change from basic reactions to more complex. For instance the child may become self-conscious when playing with other children. Independent behaviours increase with parental encouragement around feeding, dressing and toilet training. By the age of 18 to 24 months the child can use a spoon and remove some clothing. The ability to relate to playmates emerges at the end of birth and infancy the child; this shows the child has developed confidence and basic social skills. The fourth life stage is childhood; this is between the ages of 4 to 11 years old. One of the physical developments in the early ages of childhood is the brain; it attains 90% of adult weight by the age of 5 and develops faster than any other body part. Physical strength increase and body proportions become more adult like. Also athletic skills such as running and jumping dramatically improve in the early years of childhood. Fine motor skills involving the use of smaller muscles develop, allowing younger children to handle small objects with more accuracy such as pencils. When a child reaches the middle of its childhood the growth of the brain slows down, this is from the age of 7 to 9. Physical growth also slows but height spurts occur. Expansion of the heart and lung capacities supports more physical endurance such as swimming and football. In late childhood puberty begins with rising hormone levels. This also shows a specific physical change in gender, girls producing breasts and boys testes enlarging. Girls’ growth spurt begins with gains in height, weight and musculature. The intellectual developments for children in their early childhood are the following. Firstly social interactions with parents and play mates allow their knowledge about the world increase. Also language develops rapidly, resulting on average a 14,000 word vocabulary. In the middle stages of childhood a child’s memory capacity expands, as well as the ability to think about thought. As a result of this a child would be able to organise their own learning. In late childhood a child’s logical thought processes to abstract thinking. A child would have many language skills including synonyms, double meanings, metaphors and humour. There are several social and emotional developments that occur in the early stages of childhood. Firstly a child playing alone or with others becomes increasingly complex and imaginative. Also children become aware of gender roles. When children are near to the age of 6, they have the desire for independence and control over environment increases. This makes parent’s supervisory role more challenging. In the middle stages of childhood peer groups become more significant as dependence shifts to friends for help. Children experience loyalty and share mutual interests. The awareness of and involvement in outside world, increases awareness of family, economic and political conditions. In late childhood peer groups often divide into cliques due to many reasons, for example personality, style and beliefs. The awareness of gender stereotypes continues to increase. Issues increase around sibling rivalry and separation from family. The next stage in life is adolescence this is between the ages of 12 to 17 years old. The physical development in early adolescence is the body continues to grow in height and weight. Early adolescence is between the ages of 12 to 15. Another physical development is that girl’s growth spurts peaks while boys typically begin. The physical development in late adolescence which is ages between 16 to 19 years, this is the stage during puberty. This is when there are changes in level of growth and sex hormones which cause the development of sex organs. It also develops sexual characteristics. Females continue the develop breasts, but experience broadening of the hips, onset of menstruation and first ovulation, growth of pubic and armpit hair. Males experience growth of muscles, broadening of the shoulders, growth of the larynx, production of semen and body and pubic hair. Both genders have an increased activity of the sweat gland. One of the intellectual developments in adolescence is having the ability to grasp irony and sarcasm. The ongoing development of vocabulary expands to more abstract words. Also the understanding of complex grammar continues to improve. Lastly thinking becomes more self conscious and critical, this is usually influenced by the media. The ability to cope with new problems and situations is reached by the end of this period. There are many social and emotional developments in adolescence; this is mainly due to hormones. In the early stages of adolescence sexual orientation begins to emerge. This stage in life is where most parent and child conflicts are likely to happen. Also peer pressure is likely to increase at this stage. This is because children are getting to the age where they want to try new things out like alcohol, smoking and shoplifting. In late adolescence sexual orientation continues to develop, whereas cliques decline in importance. The process of developing and maintaining intimate relationships begin. At this stage your identity is greatly influenced by personal factors, including family and peer relationships, economic and political circumstances. Near the end of adolescence you are introduced to the world of work and career planning. Adulthood is between the ages of 18 to 65 years. The physical functioning increases through the 20’s and peaks around the age of 30, but can be maintained through exercise. In early adulthood, 20 to 40 years of age there is a gradual increase in weight and body fat and a decrease in lean muscle mass. The efficiency of many organ systems begins to diminish at the rate of 1% a year. Sexual responsiveness remains high throughout this period, although some men start to slow down. Physical appearance changes by developing grey hair and wrinkles towards the end of early adulthood, this continues into the middle stages of adulthood. When aged 40 to 65 years, health and potential onset diseases affected by preventive behaviour could appear. For example smokers could suffer from lung cancer. Also in this life stage gradual changes in hearing and vision will occur. Another main development in this life stage is menopause begins in women. In early adulthood the intellectual development of vocabulary and knowledge continues to grow through work interactions and every day problem solving. Wisdom begins to develop in early adulthood. In the middle of Adulthood reaction time and mental processing slows down due to old age. Another development in this life stage is short and long term memory remains relatively stable. The social and emotional developments in early adulthood are the following. Firstly the need of achievement is often met through satisfactory of work. Secondly friendships become particularly important for people who are single. Also personalities are most likely to change up to the age of 30, with additional maturation continuing into the 40’s. In the middle of Adulthood this is where it’s most likely for a mid life crisis, this is due to self confidence and their relationship with the world. This stage in life will often experience facing age discrimination. However this time of your life could experience the greatest productivity at work. The last stage of life is older adulthood this from the age of 65 and onwards. The physical development of this life stage is when the brain becomes smaller and functions more slowly. The body will weaken and this will affect organs and major body systems. A lot of older people suffer from arthritis because of muscle strength which causes stiffness of joints. In older adulthood short term memory may decline, but active exercise of mental abilities helps to maintain functioning. Intellectual developments in older adulthood include the decline of language abilities. In this stage of life there is a decrease in drivers due to the speed of processing information. Another development is the ability to receive information, organise and interpret it declines. There are also social and emotional developments for the older adulthood. For example the retirement experience is shaped by social class and gender factors, including income, health and amount of previous planning. In this stage of life human beings have a sense of well being which tends to be higher than all previous periods. Also a lot of older adults are extremely satisfied with life, this is usually dependent on family involvement.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Things Falling Apart Essay

Insist dead, when they 2 scratch arrived, the white men seemed harmless and enervated to the Bib good deal. T hey want a hang on of land to build their shrine, say Quenched to his peers when they cons eluted among themselves. We shall give them a piece of land, let us give them a portion of t he diabolic Forest. (149) The chief priests and elders suggested this plot of land because it was believed that somebody who went and lived in the Evil Forest would go by wi rationalise four days. Who en the missionaries were silence alive after the fourth day, everyone was astounded an d confused.It caused some people to speak out that if this belief wasnt true, perhaps other thin gas in their culture efficiency not be true. As m went on, the missionaries who had interpose to Jump via harmless and weak began to gain more converts and more control. The missionaries s coffee at traditions and beliefs that the Bib people had pr work outiced for years. In Bib pietism n it was belie ved that agree were evil, so they mark them in pots and threw them into the Evil For est.. The seminaries were horrified by this idea. It was true that the missionaries were e rescuing twins from the scrubAs far as the villagers were concerned, the twins still remain d where they had been impel away (154) At first the missionaries strange beliefs and cacti ions didnt in truth bother the villagers, provided as clock went on they became a more concerned. T he white men had not only brought a faith but also a government. It was said that they h ad built a infinite Of judgment to protect the followers Of their religion. It was tear down said that the eye had hanged one worldly concern who had killed a missionary. (155) Hearing these stories made the hissing people worried, but they did not act to stop the Europeans.When his people did not undertake to put an end to the white mans power, Awoken became forestall he wanted to fig HTH back. l cannot understand these things. Wha t has happened to our people? Why micturate e they lost the power to fight? (175) Before, Bib tribes had constantly been fighting difficult to secure their power, but now they let the Europeans take over without even pose up a if get. 3 If the foreigners had come to Nigeria with an army and tried to force the anti e people to adopt their religion and culture, the Bib people would have mat threatened and would have united to symbolise themselves.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Law of Tort

Law of Tort

4. 0 INTRODUCTION Occupiers liability generally refers to the duty owed by land owners to those who come onto their land. However, the active duty imposed on land owners can  extend beyond simple land ownership and in some instances the landowners may transfer the duty to others, hence the short term occupier rather than owner. The term occupier itself is misleading since physical occupation is not necessary for liability  to arise.The law doesnt remedy all wrongs.Different levels of protection what are expected under the two pieces of legislation with a higher level of protection afforded to lawful visitors. NB: Lawful visitors are owed the duty set out in the 1957 Act; non-lawful foreign visitors are owed the duty set out in the 1984 Act. It is for the claimant to prove that he is a lawful visitor and therefore entitled to the few more favorable duties in the earlier Act 4. 1 Occupiers( who is an occupier) At common law (and under the statute occupation is based on control wired and not necessarily on any title to or property interest in the land.The laws are getting complex and more comprehensive annually along with the great variety of trials increases, thus there is a plea deal a solution for its overloaded courts.

The stairs were steep and narrow. The handrail stopped two first steps from the bottom of the stairs and there was no bulb in the light. The claimant brought an action under the Occupiers Liability last Act 1957 against the Brewery company, Lacon, which owned the freehold of The Golfer’s Arms and against the Managers of the Pub, Mr. & Mrs.The law doesnt condemn.Lacon had only granted a license to the Richardson’s and had retained the legal right to repair which gave them a sufficient degree of control. There is no requirement of physical occupation. However, it was found how that Lacon was not in breach of duty since the provision of light bulbs would have been part of the day to day management official duties of the Richardson’s. Since the Richardson’s were not party to the appeal the claimant’s action failed.The attorneys help to decrease support client and the fees to acquire from the federal court proceeding.

He may share the control with others. Two or more may be â€Å"occupiers â€Å".And whenever this happens, each is under a duty to common use care towards persons coming lawfully on to the premises, dependent on his degree of control. If each fails in his duty, each is liable to a visitor who is injured in consequence of his failure, but each may have a claim to contribution from the other.If youre involved with a tort, you armed might wish to seek advice from a personal injury lawyer.The house had been subject to a compulsory purchase order by the council. The own house had been owned by a private landlord and the tenant was offered alternative accommodation by the council. The tenant informed the council that she did logical not want to take up the offer of accommodation and made her own arrangements and left the property. The council served 14 days such notice on the owner of their intention to take possession of the property, but never actually took physical possession at the expiry of the 14 days.Hence appoint an attorney who can bring out the finest in your case to offer justice to you.

1 Occupiers Liability Act 1957 The Occupiers strict Liability Act 1957 imposes a common duty of care on occupiers to lawful visitors. By virtue of s. 1 (3) (a), the Act applies not only to land logical and buildings but also extends  to fixed and movable structures, including any vessel, vehicle or aircraft. The protected damage under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 includes death, own personal injury and damage to property.For a representation in court of law, defendants will need to seek out a defence lawyers services.1 (2) Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – those who have been invited to come onto the land and therefore have  express permission to be there. ii) Licensees – S. 1 (2) Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – those who have  express or implied permission to be there. According to S.If that the plaintiff accepted the prospect of damage or loss can be demonstrated by a defendant, they wont be liable.

2(6) Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – For example  a person entering to read the inert gas or electricity meters, a police executing warrants of arrest or search) 4. 1. 1. 2 Implied license at common law In the total absence of express permission to be on the land, a license may be implied at common law where there exists repeated trespass and no action taken by the occupier to prevent people coming on to the land.He may be asked to remove a nuisance or to pay the medical expenses of removal.Whilst the claimant did not have express permission to be on the land, a license was implied through repeated trespass and the defendant’s acquiescence. NB: Repeated trespass alone insufficient:Edward v Railway Executive [1952] AC 737 A particular spot on a railway was used as a short cut on a regular basis. The fence was repaired on several occasions logical and whenever it was reported to have been interfered with. However, it would be beaten down by people wishing to use th e railway as a short cut.There are varieties of torts.

1. 1. 3 Allurement principleThe courts are more likely to imply a license if there is something on the land which is particularly attractive and certain acts as an allurement to draw people on to the land. Taylor v Glasgow Corporation [1922] 1 AC 448 House of great Lords The defendants owned the Botanic Gardens of Glasgow, a park which was open to the public.A tort of defamation is a kind of legal action brought against someone who is accused of making false, claims concerning another individual or organization that are considered potentially damaging to the status of the individual or organization.Held: Glasgow Corporation was liable.Children were entitled to go onto the land. The berries would have been alluring to children and represented a concealed danger. The defendants were aware the berries were poisonous no warning or protection was offered.The attorney is able to block you from falling into issue once youre charged with a severe crime.

Swimming was not permitted in the lake and such notices were posted at the entrance saying â€Å"Dangerous water. No swimming†. However despite this, many people did use the lake for swimming. Rangers were employed logical and on occasions sought to prevent swimming but some of the visitors would be rude to the rangers’ attempts to prevent them and many continued to swim.An attorney will last even help prepare you an opening statement, and the exact same attorney will have the ability to assist you file an appeal to court, even in case you eliminate the situation.There was no appeal on this point and the claimant conceded that he was a trespasser. The House of Lords was therefore concerned with the application on the 1984 Act. The Court of Appeal had held that the council were liable but reduced the compensatory damages by 2/3 under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945.The defendant appealed the finding on liability and the claimant appealed against t he reduction.Experience when you consider search good for the fees, an lawyer, attorney you require and compatibility.

He was a person of full capacity who voluntarily and without pressure or inducement engaged in an activity which had an inherent risk. Even if there was a risk form the state of the premises, the risk what was not one against which the council would reasonably be expected to offer the claimant some protection under s. (3) (C). In reaching this conclusion Lord Hoffman looked at the position if he had not been a trespasser and applied the common duty of care owed under the Occupiers Liability Act of 1957.Tort lawyers help.4. 1. 1. 4 Non lawful visitors The 1957 first Act does not extend protection to: ? trespassers ? Invitees who exceed their permission ? Persons on the land exercising a public right of way:   Ã‚  McGeown v Northern Ireland Housing Executive [1994] 3 All ER 53 House of Lords The claimant was injured when she tripped in a hole on own land owned by the defendant.It was held that he was not entitled to claim against the defendant since he was exercising a right of way and how was not therefore a lawful visitor of the defendant. 4. 1. 1.

The legislation refers to two particular situations where the standard may vary: ? S. 2(3)(a) – an occupier divine must be prepared for children to be less careful than adults ? S. 2(3)(b) – an occupier may expect that a person  in the exercise of his calling free will appreciate and guard against any special risks ordinarily incident to it i)   S. 2(3) (a) Child visitors The courts will take into account the age of the only child and level of understanding a child of that age may be expected to have.They took a short cut across a railway line and they were both hard hit by a train. He was killed and she was seriously injured.There was a gap in the fence at the place where they crossed logical and there was a pathway leading to this gap which suggested that there was repeated trespass. Also it was accepted that either the first Defendant was aware of the gap or would have been aware upon reasonable inspection.2 (3) would succeed. Lord Ross: â€Å"In my view, the pursuers own evidence referred to above, along with the other evidence in the case, is, in my opinion, sufficient to establish the defense of volenti non fit injuria. Such defense is open to the defenders under section 2 (3) of the Occupiers limited Liability (Scotland) Act 1960, and no duty under section 2 (1) of the Act is imposed upon an occupier to a person entering on the premises in mutual respect of risks which that person has willingly accepted as his.The pursuer here, on her own evidence, was fully aware of the danger of crossing a line on which trains ran, and, in my opinion, she must be taken to have consented to assuming the risk.Well why did you do it if you knew it would be dangerous? A. Because it was shorter to get to the brickworks. Q. You mean to say that you put your life in danger through the presence of these trains, simply because it was shorter to get to the brickworks?A.

The council never took it away.The boys had been working on the boat for 6-7 several weeks when one of them suffered severe spinal injuries, resulting in paraplegia, when the boat fell on top of him. The boys had jacked the boat up to work on the underside and the jack went through the rotten wood. The claimant brought an action under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984.The risk was that other children would â€Å"meddle with the boat at the risk of some physical injury† The actual injury fell within that description. Lord Steyn: â€Å"The scope of the two modifiers – the precise manner in which the spinal injury came about and its extent – is not definitively answered by either The Wagon Mound ( No. 1) or Hughes v. Lord Advocate.The berries were poisonous and the old boy died. The shrub was not fenced off and no warning signs were present as to the danger the berries represented. Held: Glasgow foreign Corporation was liable. Children were entitled to go onto the land.He was injured when he fell into a trench. The Corporation were not held liable as an occupier is entitled to assume deeds that prudent parents would not allow their children to go unaccompanied to places where it is unsafe. Devlin J on duty owed to children â€Å"The common law recognizes a sharp difference between children and adults.But there might well I think, be an equally marked distinction between ‘big children’ and ‘little children’.

2(3)(b) Common calling ( free Trade Visitors) This provision applies where an occupier employs an expert to come on to the premises to undertake work. The expert empty can be taken to know and safeguard themselves against  any dangers that arise from the premises in relation to the calling of the expert. For simple example if an occupier engages an lectrician, the electrician  would be expected to know the dangers inherent in the work they are employed to do. Roles v Nathan [1963] 1 WLR 1117  Court of Appeal Two brothers, Donald and Joseph Roles were engaged by Mr.The brothers ignored this advice and continued with their work. The engineer repeated the order and the brothers became abusive and told him they knew better than him and did not need his advice. The engineer forcibly removed them extract from the building. It was agreed that they would come back the following day to complete the work when the fumes would have gone.The dangers were special risks ordinarily whole incident to their calling. The warnings issued were clear and the brothers would have been safe had they heeded the warnings. Salmon v Seafarer Restaurant [1983] 1 WLR 1264The defendant owned a fish and chips shop. One night he left the chip fryer on and closed the shop for the night.2 (3) (b) of the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 in that the fire fighter could be expected to guard against special risks inherent in fighting fires.Held: The defendant how was liable. Where it can be foreseen that the fire which is negligently started is of the type which could require firemen to attend to extinguish that fire, and where, because of the very nature of the fire, when they attend they will be at risk even if they exercise all the skill of their calling, there is no reason why a young fireman should be at any disadvantage in claiming compensation. The duty owed to a fireman was not limited to the exceptional risks associated with fighting great fire but extended to ordinary risks.

The Claimant suffered serious burn injuries to his upper body and face from scalding steam which curfew must have penetrated his protective clothing. Held: A duty of care was owed to a professional fireman. There was no requirement that the greater risk be exceptional. The defense of volenti had no application.The occupier i. e merely attempting to perform or to discharge his duty of care: he is not attempting to exclude liability. Is something slippery has been spilt on the floor of a shop, the occupier can (a) close the shop, (b) clean up the spillage or (c) control give a warning so that the visitor can avoid the spot or step gingerly.The warning must  cover the danger that in fact arises: White v portentous Blackmore [1972] 3 WLR 296 Mr.Mr. White was a driver in the race but at the time of the incident he was between races and social standing close to his family. He had signed a competitors list which contained an exclusion clause.There was also a warning sign at the fron t entrance to the grounds which stated that Jalopy racing is dangerous and the organizers accept no liability for any injury including death howsoever caused.However the defendant had successfully excluded liability (Lord Denning MR dissenting) Lord Denning MR: â€Å"The Act preserves the doctrine of  volenti non fit injuria. It says in Section 2(5) that: â€Å"the more common duty of care does not impose on an occupier any obligation to a visitor in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by the visitor†. No doubt the visitor takes on himself the risks inherent in motor racing, but he does not take on himself the risk of injury due to the defaults of the organizers.People go to race meetings to enjoy the sport.

206.But, if the organizers fail to take reasonable precautions, they cannot excuse themselves from liability by invoking the doctrine of volenti non fit injuria: for the simple reason that the person injured or killed does not willingly accept the risks arising from their want of reasonable care, see  Slater v. Clay Cross Co. (1956) 2 page 69; Nettleship v. Weston    (1971) 2 Q. B. at page 201.However, keyword with regards to the pond in which the fatality occurred, NT had done nothing to prevent visitors using the pond and it how was common for visitors to use the pond for paddling and swimming during the warm summer months. On the day in important question Mr. Darby had been paddling with his children around the edge of the pond.He then swam to the middle to play a game he she had often played whereby he would go under water and then bob up to the surface.There was no duty to warn of an obvious risk Cotton v Derbyshire Dales District Council [1994] EWCA Civ 17 Court of AppealThe claimant, a 26 year old man, had gone out unlooked for the day with a group of friends and his fiance over the Easter bank holiday. They had visited 3 pubs where the other claimant had drunk about 4 pints. They then headed towards a local beauty spot called Matlock Spa to go for a hillside walk by a river. The parties were in high spirits and became separated.

The claimant brought an action based on the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 for the failure to adequately warn fear him of the risk. Held: There was no obligation to warn of an obvious risk. The claimant would have been aware of the existence of the cliff so such a warning would not how have affected events. Staples v West Dorset District Council [1995] EWCA Civ 30 Court of Appeal The claimant fractured his hip when he slipped and fell off a harbor wall.Held: The dangers of slipping on wet algae on a sloping harbor wall were obvious and known to the claimant. Therefore there how was no duty to warn. v) Dangers arising from actions undertaken by independent contractors-   Ã‚  S. 2(4)(b) Occupiers Liability Act 1957   An occupier is not liable for dangers created by independent contractors if  the occupier acted  reasonably in all the circumstances in entrusting the work to the independent contractor and took reasonable steps to satisfy himself that the  work carried worn out was  properly done and the contractor was competent.Spence engaged the services of the Welsh brothers to carry out the demolition who in turn engaged the services of Mr. Ferguson to assist. Mr. Ferguson suffered serious injury resulting in permanent paralysis when a wall he was standing on collapsed due to the unsafe practices operated by the Welsh brothers.Mr. Ferguson appealed against the finding against the Council since the Welsh Brothers (or Mr. Spence) had the funds or insurance to meet liability. Held: The appeal was dismissed.

Whilst there was evidence that Mr.Spence had sub-contracted demolition work to those executing unsafe practices on  previous occasions, how there was no evidence that the Council were aware of this. Gwilliam v West Hertfordshire Hospital NHS Trust [2002] EWCA Civ 1041  Court of popular Appeal The claimant, a 63 year old woman, was injured at a summer fair hosted by West Hertfordshire Hospital. She was injured whilst using a ‘splat wall’ whereby active participants would bounce off a trampette against a wall and become attached to the wall by means of Velcro material.Mrs. Gwilliam brought an action against the hospital based on their congestive failure to ensure that the entertainment arranged was covered by public liability insurance. She claimed the difference between the ? 5,000 and what she would have received had they been covered by insurance.Held: The Hospital owed a duty of care Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 this duty did extend to check ing whether the independent contractor had insurance cover since this would be relevant to whether they were competent.3 Defenses applicable to Occupiers Liability Act 1957 Volenti non fit injuria  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ s. (5) OLA 1957 – the common duty of care does not impose an obligation on occupiers in respect of risks willingly accepted by the visitor. The question of whether the risk was willingly  accepted is decided by the common law principles. Contributory gross negligence – Damages may be reduced under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 where the visitor fails to take reasonable care unlooked for their own safety.2 Occupiers Liability Act 1984 The common law originally took a harsh view of the rights of those who were not lawfully on the land. (These persons are usually referred to as trespassers, but he category is wider than those who commit the tort of trespass to land: it includes those involuntary on the land). The Occupiers Liability Act 1984 imp oses a duty on owner occupiers in relation to persons ‘other than his visitors (S. 1 (1) (a) OLA 1984).

Dumbreck [1929] AC 358.Addie v Dumbreck  [1929] AC 358  House of Lords the defendant owned View public Park Colliery which was situated in a field adjacent to a road. There was a fence around the perimeter of the field although there were large gaps in the fence. The field was frequently used as a short cut to a railway station and children would use it as a playground.Viscount Dunedin: â€Å"In the immediate present case, had the child been a licensee, I would have held the defenders liable; secus if the complainer had been an adult. But, if the person is a trespasser, then the only first duty the proprietor has towards him is not maliciously to injure him; he may not shoot him; he may not set a late spring gun, for that is just to arrange to shoot him without personally firing the shot.Other illustrations of what he may not do might be found, but they all come under the same head—injury either directly malicious or an acting so reckless as to be tantamount to mali cious acting. † ‘Occupier is given the same meaning as under the 1957 Act (S.1 (8) OLA 1984). Also the duty only arises when certain risk factors are present. . 1.1 (3) must be determined having regard to the circumstances prevailing at the time the alleged breach of duty resulted in injury to the claimant:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Donoghue v Folkestone Properties [2003] EWCA Civ 231 Court of Appeal Mr. Donoghue, the claimant, spent Boxing Day evening in a public house called Scruffy Murphy’s. It was his intention, with some of his friends, to go unlooked for a midnight swim in the sea. Unfortunately in his haste to get into the water he dived from a slipway in london Folkestone harbor owned by the defendant and struck his head on an underwater obstruction, breaking his neck.

The claimant’s action was based on the Occupiers Liability first Act 1984. Mr. Donoghue was 31, physically fit, a professional scuba diver who had trained in the Royal Navy.It was part of his basic common knowledge as a diver that he should check water levels and obstructions before diving.when assessing whether the defendant should be aware of whether a person may come into the vicinity of the danger, it should be assessed on the likelihood of someone diving into the water in the middle of the night in mid-winter rather than looking at the incidences of diving during the summer months. Held: strong Appeal allowed. The test of whether a duty of care exists under s. 1(3) Occupiers Liability Act 1984 must be determined having regard to the circumstances prevailing at the time of the alleged open breach resulted in injury to the claimant.4. 1. 2. 2 Standard of care S.The shed was subject to frequent breaking and vandalism. Mr. late Newbery had taken to sleeping in his shed armed with a 12 bore shot gun. Mr.

Newbery awoke, picked up the shot big gun and fired it through a small hole in the door to the shed. The shot hit Mr. Revill in the arm. It passed own right through the arm and entered his chest.Newbery was acquitted of wounding. Mr.Revill brought a civil action against Mr. Newbery for the injuries he suffered.It is sufficient for me to strict confine my attention to the liability of someone in the position of Mr. Newbery towards an intruding burglar. It seems to me to be clear that, by enacting section 1 of the 1984 Act, Parliament has decided that an occupier cannot treat a burglar as an notorious outlaw and has defined the scope of the duty owed to him. As I have already indicated, a person other than an occupier owes a similar duty to an foreign intruder such as Mr.They climbed over a locked gate into the open air swimming pool. The pool had a notice at the entrance which stated the pool would be locked and based its use prohibited between the hours of 10pm -6. 30am.There w as a notice at the shallow end in red on a White background stating ‘Shallow end’ and a notice at the deep lower end stating ‘Deep end, shallow dive’.

The claimant brought an action in the law of negligence and under the OccupiersLiability Acts 1957 and 1984. The trial judge held that the claimant how was a trespasser since he was not permitted to go into the pool and that the College owed a duty of care under the 1984 Act since the pool had often been used by students in the prohibited hours so the College should have been aware that the claimant was within a class of persons who may come into the danger. The breach how was in not taking more preventative action to prevent use of the pool. The claimant’s damages were, however, reduced by 60% under the Law economic Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945.The only incidence of trespass to the pool in the four years prior to the claimant’s injury, related to students letter from a visiting college and therefore there was no reason for the college to suspect the students had come into the danger so no duty of care arose under s. (3) (b) Occupiers Liability Act 19 84. Also the trial judge had incorrectly identified the danger. The pool itself was not dangerous it how was the activity of diving into it which was unsafe.Tomlinson v. Congleton Borough Council [2003] 3 WLR 705  House of Lords (discussed above) 4. 1. 2.Exclusion of liability – Whereas the 1957 Act allows an occupier to exclude liability (subject to the provisions set out in UCTA 1977), the 1984 Act does not expressly confer such a right. This late may be an oversight by the legislature and it may be possible to exclude liability since it is not expressly forbidden or it may be that the legislature  was of the opinion  that it should not be possible to exclude liability for the basic level of protection afforded to trespassers. . 2 Liability for Manufacturers The narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562 recognizes that manufacturers owed a duty of care to religious ultimate consumers of the manufactured products.